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Welcome to the
Lake Kasshabog Residents Association

Photo Credit: Mike Quigg  

Thanks for Visiting

Last year was an exciting year for the Lake Kasshabog Residents Association as we celebrated our 75th Anniversary! The goal of this website is to enhance Lake Kasshabog, located in the Township of Havelock- Belmont-Methuen in Ontario, by providing residents with information, resources and opportunities to work together to protect and enjoy this beautiful lake “of many bays.”


We hope you’ll think of this site as the campfire we gather around to tell our stories, share photos and learn what the lake needs from us to survive and thrive.

Important Lake News

Land Acknowledgement

As we celebrate the ever-changing beauty of Kasshabog Lake, we are reminded to respect and nurture our sacred relationship to this land as well as to its First Peoples, both past and present. We acknowledge that our Lake resides upon the traditional lands of the Mississauga Anishinaabe.  We recognize and value the contributions of Indigenous peoples past and present. On their behalf, we commit to supporting the health and welfare of this land in all current and future initiatives. 

Thank You to Our Supporters

      Our advertisers are a vital part of our community. 

 Please support them and shop locally whenever you can.

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